2/2016 Focus Internazionale

N. 2/2016

In questo numero

Proposte di lettura

I nostri antenati

302 Sociologia

Rethinking society in the 21 century : critical readings in sociology / edited by Michel Webber and Kate Bezanson. - Toronto : Canadian Scholars' Press, c2016. - 572 p. ; 25 cm. - Bibliografia. - ISBN 9781551309361.


405 Tutela del minore

Child-friendly justice : perspectives and experiences of children involved in judicial proceedings as victims, witnesses or parties in nine EU Member States / European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. - Luxembourg : Publication Office of the European Union, 2017. - 1 PDF (128 p.) ; 2 MB. - ISBN 9789294914941.

Processo civile e processo penale – Coinvolgimento dei bambini e adolescenti - Tutela – Paesi dell'Unione europea
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