Focus internazionale 4/2017

N. 4/2017

In questo numero

Proposte di lettura

I nostri antenati

334 Conflitti armati

The war on children : time to end grave violations against children in conflict / Save the Children ; [this report was written by Mariam Kirollos, Caroline Anning, Gunvor Knag Fylkesnes and James Denselow]. - London : Save the Children, 2018. - 1 risorsa online (44 p.) : ill.

Bambini in conflitti armati - Rapporti di ricerca
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805 Infanzia e adolescenza - Politiche sociali

Progress for every child in the SDG era / Unicef. - New York : Data and Analytics Section, United Nations Children's Fund, 2018. - 1 risorsa online (103 p.) : ill. - Bibliografia: p. 54-55.

Bambini - Politiche sociali - Statistiche
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